Why choose Clic 5000?
We're exclted to bring you the Clic 5000, a pioneering leap in vaping technology and the first legal 5000 puffs vape available in Europe. Certlfled by the UK Trading Standards, It meets all TPD compllance, guaranteeing you a product that's not only Innovative but also safe and legal to sell.
Why choose Clic 5000?
It's compact, user-friendly, and crafted after 18 months of dedicated quality refinement. With its superior puff count, it stands out as the most convenient vape for users. The prime mesh coil technology ensures the purest flavour and fuller taste, offering an unmatched vaping experience.
Connect with Flawless Vape Distro, our master distrlbutor, for seamless access to Snowplus products. They're your go-to for Informatlon on avallablllty, prlcing, and more. Partner with us for a profitable venture that dellvers real value to your customers, without the worry of legal issues or penalties associated with non-compliant products.

It's compact, user-frlendly,and crafted after 18 months of dedlcated quallty refinement.With Its superlor puff count,It stands out as the most convenlent vape for users.The prlme mesh coll technology ensures the purest flavour,offering an unmatched vaplng experlence.

Connect with Flawless Vape Distro,our master dlstrlbutor,for seamless access to Snowplus products.They're your go-to for Informatlon on avallablllty,prlcing,and more.Partner with us for a profitable venture that dellvers real value to your customers,without the worry of legal Issues or penaltles assoclated wlth non-compllant products.
Step into the future with Snowplus-where quallty,compllance,and Innovatlon drive success.
Contact Flawless Vape Distro now:
IrIn@flawlessvapedlstro.co.uk or sales@flawlessvapedlstro.co.uk
Thank you for consldering Snowplus.Let's be successful together!
Best regards,
Snowplus Team

The Clic 5000 is equipped with a dedicated 2ml tank that can be filled from a separate 10ml container. It is a revolutionary 2+10 ml structure vape invented by Snowplus.
When you remove the mouthpiece, you can attach the refill container to the device's body. The product is compliant due to the 2ml tank which feeds the coil; the 10ml refill container is child-resistant, tamper-proof, and leak-proof. The device can be used without the container and does not contain any active components or feed the coil directly, so it does not meet the definition of a tank.
You're One Clic
Away From The Future.
Simplicity Redefined,
Innovation Unleashed.

Started in 2018, our Jouney began in Asla,and we have since expanded our presenceto Europe, the Americas, Southeast Asia, and other regions.
At our peak, we operate 3000 franchised stores and 450 direct stores in Asia
Our supply chain partners have extensive experience in supplying glants like Brltlsh American Tobacco etc. Creativity from Snowplus'R&D team combining the hlghestquality standards from our supply chain partners.
The exec team has a prior entrepreneurial background in Slllcon Valley. We are passionate about solving problems creatively and responsibly for the vape industry
Explore more about Snowplus and dlscover what we offer at: